Virgin and Child
By Jacobus de Teramo
Detail of an illuminated manuscript
MARY: I haz the flame halo. I stepz on the ugly monterz, bitchez.
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
Sunday, February 23, 2014
Circumcision of Jesus Christ
Circumcision of Jesus Christ
Illuminated manuscript detail from Codex Vindobonensis Palatinus
Österreichische Nationalbibliothe, Vienna, Austria
Notice how, just as Squishy's junk is going under the knife, the building he's in is growing a boner of it's own, as if in sympathy.
Illuminated manuscript detail from Codex Vindobonensis Palatinus
Österreichische Nationalbibliothe, Vienna, Austria
Notice how, just as Squishy's junk is going under the knife, the building he's in is growing a boner of it's own, as if in sympathy.
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
Mary Breastfeeding Baby Jesus
Mary Breastfeeding Baby Jesus (detail)
By Josefa de Óbidos
MARY: Look up there!!!! What is that?!?!?!
MARY: Ha ha--gotcha again!
By Josefa de Óbidos
MARY: Look up there!!!! What is that?!?!?!
MARY: Ha ha--gotcha again!
Monday, February 17, 2014
Our Lady of Dzikovia
Our Lady of Dzikovia
By an unknown Dutch artist
I can't tell if Joseph is wearing a tiny top hat, or if that's just an awkwardly rendered halo. At any rate, Squishy is looking fab. Werq it girl!
By an unknown Dutch artist
I can't tell if Joseph is wearing a tiny top hat, or if that's just an awkwardly rendered halo. At any rate, Squishy is looking fab. Werq it girl!
Fashion DOs and DONT'S,
Light in Loafers
Saturday, February 15, 2014
Friday, February 14, 2014
Virgin and Child with St. John
Virgin and Child with St. John
By an unknown artist from Belarus
ST. JOHN: Hmmm....should I keep the hairstyle?
MARY: I'm soooooo stoned.
SQUISHY: Ah, this silver-plated swaddling is surprisingly comfortable!
By an unknown artist from Belarus
ST. JOHN: Hmmm....should I keep the hairstyle?
MARY: I'm soooooo stoned.
SQUISHY: Ah, this silver-plated swaddling is surprisingly comfortable!
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
Holy Trinity
Holy Trinity
Illuminated manuscript, detail from Codex Claustroneoburgensis
Stiftsbibliothek Library, Klosterneubur, Austria
So, if Hallmark every wants to start a line of Happy Good Friday cards, I know where they can get some inspiration...
Illuminated manuscript, detail from Codex Claustroneoburgensis
Stiftsbibliothek Library, Klosterneubur, Austria
So, if Hallmark every wants to start a line of Happy Good Friday cards, I know where they can get some inspiration...
Sunday, February 9, 2014
Detail of an illumination from the Gospel according to John
Bernward Evangeliar Hildesheim
People, I look at pictures of Squishy Jesus everyday. Sure, I've seen him wrapped up like a carrot, but never ever ever have I seem a nativity with sea monsters!!!!
Detail of an illumination from the Gospel according to John
Bernward Evangeliar Hildesheim
People, I look at pictures of Squishy Jesus everyday. Sure, I've seen him wrapped up like a carrot, but never ever ever have I seem a nativity with sea monsters!!!!
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
Madonna and Child with Sts Jerome and Anthony of Padua
Madonna and Child with Sts Jerome and Anthony of Padua
By Pietro di Domenico
Pinacoteca Nazionale, Siena, Italy
ST. JEROME: Wait, before you say it, Duck Dynasty copied me, not the other way around.
SQUISHY: I stole my mom's flesh colored body suit--think she'll notice?
ST. ANTHONY: See this pink thing I'm holding? Well it's my tongue. Hope you suckas didn't just finish your lunch, heh heh heh.
By Pietro di Domenico
Pinacoteca Nazionale, Siena, Italy
ST. JEROME: Wait, before you say it, Duck Dynasty copied me, not the other way around.
SQUISHY: I stole my mom's flesh colored body suit--think she'll notice?
ST. ANTHONY: See this pink thing I'm holding? Well it's my tongue. Hope you suckas didn't just finish your lunch, heh heh heh.
Sunday, February 2, 2014
Virgin of Vladimir
Virgin of Vladimir
Detail of an icon
Dear John Kerry,
If you're ever short on Halloween costume ideas, I have a suggestion.
Warm regards

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