Maria Lactans From the workshop of the Master of the Mountain in the Clouds 1470's
Awww, Squishy is such an old geezer here. Not the mean "get off my lawn" kind but the type of sweet old guy that talks your ear off while your waiting for the bus.
Child Jesus Lying on the Cross c. 1800 Detail of a painting on glass
Soooo, you know, you're thinking of making a religious painting on glass and what comes to mind? A cheesecake boy Jesus reclining on a cross in red hot pants, of course!
The Circumcision of Christ Detail of a fresco in the Preobrazhenski monastry, Bulgaria
Squishy is all "Oh know you don't!" when he sees the size of the knife coming at him. He's not going to be distracted by the rabbi's fancy floral getup.
Adoration of the Magi Detail from the Codex of Roda Real Academia de laHistorica, Spain
Oh yes this is too awesome! Mary has this triple bicep thing going on. Jesus has two biceps on his arm with the cross and he's sort of floating behind Mary. And that throne is cool as h-e-double hockey stick!