The Visitation 1410 Detail of a tapestry in the Museum of Fine Arts, Frankfurt, Germany
Squishy and St. John the Baptist are meeting each other as fetuses! Squishy's waving hi while John's praying on his knees. I wonder if it's hard to keep their halos on while swimming in all that amniotic fluid?
Adoration of the Magi By Jean de Montluçon 1500 Detail of an illuminated manuscript
This needs a new title: The Adoration of the Whatevs' Magi. Check out their expressions--they are like "I'm so over this". Especially the dude second from the right holding the trophy, he's rolling his eyeballs and saying "OMG this is lame" to the guy next to him.
The Nativity of Our Lord Christ By Jacopo Torriti 1296 Detail of a mosaic in Santa Maria Maggiore, Rome
Joseph's expression pretty much sums this up: perspective WTF? Yes, this mosaic is another product of the School of Dubious Perspective. The manger is a Tesla puzzle. The ox and ass have no lower bodies, but are nonetheless eager to smell the tied up baby in the manager.
Adoration of the Kings By Herri Met de Bles Mimara Museum, Zagrev, Croatia
SQUISHY: There's nothing in this box but incense and spices. Damn it! I wanted candy!! KING (upper left): How dare you mouth off to us! [Smacks Squishy with his hat].