The Virgin of Help By Giovanni Paganni da Monterubbiano 1506 Oil on canvas, 180 x 151 cm Musée du Petit Palais, Avignon
Okay, now you really want to enlarge this one for detail to see Mary threatening a devil off with a club. (Get a load of the devil's narsty patch of pubic hair).
And Squishy, those red boots are tight! Where can I get a pair like that?
The Virgin and Child Enthroned with Two Angels By Giovanni d'Alemagna and Antonio Vivarini 1449 - 50 Painting, 188,9 x 102,3 cm Museu Poldi Pezzoli, Milan
Madonna with Jesus, St. John and Angels By Melchior Lorck 1552 Oil on panel, 51 x 66.5 cm Statens Musem for Kunst, Copenhagen Denmark
ANGEL (lower right): Look, every one--I've got the latest edition of the LA Times. A judge has just overturned California's ban on gay marriage!!!!!!!!!!!
ST. JOHN: Yay!!!! Darling Squishy, shall we elope?
SQUISHY: Yes, but only if I can pet the lamby every single day.