By Jaume Ferrer Bassa
Illumination on parchment, 17 x 11.3 cm
Biblioteca Marciana, Venice
Hey there Jaume Ferrer Bassa, honey, can we chat? You know, artist to artist. A couple of things: why are people looking so pissed off in your nativity? The son of God, savior of all men is born--like shouldn't people be looking happier? Okay so maybe the ox is smirking a bit.....And next, what's with baby AKA Old-Dude-in-Swaddling-Bondage Jesus? Did you have babies back in 1340?Why is the manger pink?And finally, how do the angels manage to recline in mid flight? The one on the right has his arms folded like he soooo bored with this holy night business. Thanks much, xoxoxoxoxo, Matti