The Virgin Breastfeeding Baby Jesus By Maestro del Papagayo 1540
Because I am a mature person, I am not tempted to talk about the hilariously suggestive place Squishy is holding his cherries. Because it's not funny. At all.
The Navity By the Limbourg Brothers Les Très Riches Heuresduducde Berry Illuminated Manuscript MuséeCondé, Chantilly, France
"They laid him in a manger because there was no room for him at the inn."
Here we see a manger made up of bodiless blue angels. Sweet! They fed the ox and ass out of that?
God's up on top surrounded by his own wreath of red disembodied angel heads. Even better (trust me, you're gonna want to enlarge the picture to have a closer look) his beard is emitting laser beam of light down onto his son.
Virgin and Child Enthroned c. 1495 Oil on panel, 50 x 37 cm Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid
See, when you're the son of God, you get whatever you want. For example "I want eight naked babies to hold up me and mom on a octogonal piece of plywood."