The Nativity (detail) by Bernat Martorell 1440s Panel Collection Lippmann, Berlin
Mary and Joseph, afraid that baby Jesus may one day, like Moses, find himself floating down the Nile river, took the precautionary measure of having a small canoe actually built around their son's body.
No. 18 Scenes from the Life of Christ: 2. Adoration of the Magi by Giotto di Bondone 1304-06 Fresco, 200 x 185 cm Cappella Scrovegni (Arena Chapel), Padua
Baby Jesus has this mummy-plus-cape thing going on in Giotto's nativity, which is all right. But what is the deal with the dorky camels? Do camels have bangs any way?
The Circumcision of Christ by Hans Leonhard 1505-06 Wood, 26 x 15 cm Christian Museum, Esztergom
Too bad this is such a crappy reproduction. Trust me, you're going to want to zoom in for the creepy details as Jesus goes under the knife.
Now come on! No one could possibly believe this small person getting his foreskin sliced is a baby. Not even the simple-looking peasant with the red hat....